Internal Case 1
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Hello. What you are about to read was very hard for me to submit. One, because I
know it sounds crazy and two, I donÆt want to be ridiculed. I have to live with it every
day for the rest of my life. Most of what I have written comes from memories that
have come out recently, dreams I have had, and most importantly from talking with my
mother about my childhood. I must tell you that I can barely remember anything from
my childhood and I am not so old that I shouldnÆt be able to. I am sharing this in the
hopes that it will make me understand it all a little more and maybe it will bring
something out in those of you who have had similar experiences. For those of you
who are skeptical, so was I.
My experiences begin in a house in the country. It was a two story duplex in which we
lived in the downstairs unit and another couple lived in the upstairs unit. I don't
remember having any neighbors nearby except for the couple upstairs. In the front of
the house there was a pond about a football fieldÆs length away from the house, and in
the back of the house was a pretty dense group of trees that covered a pretty large
area. I can remember my mother not wanting me to play in there for fear of my getting
lost so it must have been pretty deep. I have had this recurring dream about that house
and forest:
I am a child again and I wake up all of a sudden. I hear a little girl's voice calling to me
and I get up to find it. I leave my bedroom and start heading for the kitchen, as I walk
in to the kitchen I see that the back door is open and through the screen door I see a
little girl standing there and waving at me. She is now motioning for me to come
outside so I do. She then starts to run away from me towards the forest all the while
turning to smile at me and motioning for me to follow. I start running after her
laughing as she leads me into the forest. As we are running I can see a very bright light
up ahead of us in the trees, it gets brighter and brighter as we get closer to it. Then we
are right in front of the light, I can't make out any shapes but I see other children
standing around it.
The dream ends there. I have never been able to dream past that. The one thing that
always hits me when I wake up from this dream is that I am always sweating profusely,
terrified and I always have this feeling that there was something wrong with the
My mother has told me that she used to get upset with me because sometimes she
would come home from work in the morning (she worked a graveyard shift) and find
me asleep outside either near the forest or near the pond (this was at about 7:00 or
8:00 in the morning). She also said that this was not the only time. I guess we had
lived in a couple of different houses in different areas of our town and it would happen
there too. She would wake up in the morning and find me sleeping outside. I asked
her once if there were any children that lived near us and she said there wasn't anyone
around for about three miles.
She also told me that she had a dream one time that she came to check on me in my
bedroom and saw that I was floating out through the wall. When she woke up from
this dream she was very scared and went to check on me. I was not in my room so the
first thing she did was run outside to the back of the house and that is where she found
me. She also told me I was a very good kid because I never got sick. In fact the first
time I remember ever catching anything was when I was in high school and I caught
When I was older we moved to another area. We now lived in a house in a small town
surrounded by a lot of nice neighbors. About five blocks away from our house was a
grove of tall trees. It was good sized and would take about fifteen to twenty minutes
to walk through the whole thing. I remember many times when I would wake up at
night and have a very strong urge to go there. I can remember getting dressed and
sneaking out my window and that is all I remember. I have no memories of what
happened after going out the window. I always woke up the next morning in bed, in
my bedclothes, as if I had never left. When I turned twenty I started dating my spouse.
About six months into the relationship I started having problems sexually. They
became such a problem that a friend suggested I see her psychologist. I did so. I have
never been hypnotized but he did try a technique on me that seemed to bring some
fuzzy memories back. It made me feel a little dizzy but I was wide awake and fully
aware of everything and everyone around me. It brought back vague memories of
having been given what seemed to me to be drugs via a needle, being surrounded by a
group of people, having them give me injections and sexual things happening to me.
My psychologist interpreted this as sexual abuse. It was very easy to accept this as the
problem because I had two other very clear memories of two different people at
different times molesting me. We left it at that, my spouse accepted it also. What
started happening after this is what has led my spouse and I to believe what we do.
One night I had dropped off a friend of mine and was heading to my spouseÆs
apartment. I was driving down a pretty lonely road and I noticed a truck parked in the
middle of the road. As I drew closer I realized it was blocking my path, I didn't think
anything of it until I was right in front of it and I saw the three men standing in front of
it. I stopped my car and instantly began to panic. The three men started walking
towards me (at this point I was about a car's length away from them). As they came
closer I screamed because I got a good look at their faces, I backed my car up as far as
I could, turned around and went back the other way. I sped all the way to my spouseÆs
apartment as fast as I could not looking back once to see if they were following me.
When I got there I was screaming and crying and I described what happened. I will
never forget this for as long as I live but I swear those three men did not have faces.
They looked like regular men but they had no eyes, or mouths. It scared the hell out of
me and I will never ever forget that. I have sat and gone over this night in my head
and what I remember is that they were wearing what looked like black coveralls, you
know the one piece kind with the zipper all the way up the front, and the truck was not
black it was like a silverish grey color. I also remembered that one of the men was
carrying something but I don't know what it was. I keep telling myself it was a dream
to make myself feel sane but I know it wasn't. I even told my shrink and he told me it
was most likely a hallucination brought on by a memory I was having about the sexual
abuse. I have had episodes where I pass out and wake up with odd pictures in my
head. I have drawn these things I see and shown them to my spouse. One time while
we were in the car I passed out and in my sleep I drew some figures on the windshield.
There was a fog on the window so my spouse could see very clearly what I drew and
wrote it down. There was also a time when I disappeared for about fifteen to twenty
minutes one night while we were driving home in separate cars. A couple of years ago
I cut my hand pretty badly while slicing some vegetables. It was a very deep cut that
bled for about fifteen minutes. My spouse wanted to take me to the hospital to get
stitches but I refused. I have never liked going to doctors and I never went unless I
absolutely had to. We wrapped it in a bandage and left it at that. That night I had a
dream that I was lying in bed and I couldn't move. I had the feeling that someone was
in the room with me but I couldn't see anything. I looked to my left and I could see
that my spouse was asleep beside me.
All of a sudden there was a flash of light and that is all I can remember of that dream. The next morning I took a shower but I did
not change or check my bandage. Later that night before I got ready for bed I took off
the bandage to change it and I was amazed to see that my cut was completely healed.
It looked like it had been dried up because you could see the line where I cut it but it
was closed and healed. I thought I would share that with you because it was so
strange. I guess I never really thought much of it because whenever I do get sick or
hurt I heal very quickly. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I
thought I would let you know. The most important and significant event that occured
was about a month ago. It is the event that confirms all of my suspicions and
nightmares. I had woken up in my living room soaking wet and with the patio door
open. I had no recollection of what happened. I took a shower and didnÆt say
anything to my spouse. Later that day a woman came to my house and said she
wanted to talk to me. She told me she had been up late watching television when she
saw what she thought was lightening flashing. She went to look out her window and
saw that the sky was lit up. She said there was a sudden flash and all of a sudden she
saw me appear in the park and start to walk towards my house. She was terrified of
what she saw and I swore her to secrecy. I can only hope she will be able to keep her
promise. She seemed genuinely concerned about me and I told her I was getting help.
I told her I had no memory of what happened.
I have had dreams of floating through the air, floating through windows and walls, and
floating towards bright lights but that is it. This is a dream I had that scared me so bad
I tried not to sleep for two days:
I dreamed that I went to check on my baby and when she looked at me she started to
cry. I went and looked at myself in the mirror and my face was changing. My head
was getting bigger as were my eyes. I started to scream and shout "why me, no no
why me!!" I have a scar on my left hip that seems to have come out of nowhere. I
have absolutely no idea of how I could have got it. I went to see a doctor because I
started having nosebleeds and she told me that I had a small hole in my nasal cavity
that probably ruptured. She thought it was caused by me sticking something in there
as a child or that I could have had a very bad nasal infection. Anyway, I was given
nasal sprays to try to take care of the bleeding. I have woken up many times with
great pain in my back, neck and shoulders, with a terrible headache localized right
behind my eyes, and sometimes I wake up feeling very dizzy like when your hungover
(neither my spouse or I drink). I have also woken up with my arms and legs numb and
tingling, sometimes I have a terrible ringing or beeping in my ears and on a couple of
occasions I woke up so sore that I would ask my spouse if we had had sex. I live with
constant pain in my upper back, shoulders, and neck. I have been to a doctor and the
only thing I was told was that I may have arthritis. I have had little bumps, scratches
and bruises that seem to have appeared out of nowhere overnight. I can't stand to be
out in the country, especially at night. I get very scared and yes I am very afraid of the
dark. I have always slept with a night light or the tv on except now that I am married I
can sleep in the dark as long as my spouse is holding me. I have had some nights
where for no reason I feel terrified like something is going to happen to me and I ask
my spouse to hold on to me very tight. I sometimes have urges to drive to dark lonely
places but I don't do it for fear. I live with a feeling of always being watched. I guess
you can say I'm paranoid.
My spouse has often observed me looking up at the night sky with fear and as if I'm looking for something whenever we are in a dark and lonely
area. I am constantly looking all around to see if there is someone watching me when I
am alone at night. I can't help feeling like I am being watched. When I am driving my
car I find myself looking out the windows to see if I am being followed, because I feel
as if I am being tracked, like as if someone is monitoring my every move to see what I
will do next. I have for as long as I can remember, had a very big interest in ufos and
space. It's almost an obsession for me. I have seen pictures of aliens and I always feel
like there familiar to me. I don't feel threatened when I see pictures but I do feel
scared. I guess I should also tell you that as far as I can remember I have always had a
feeling of being different and a feeling that I am here for a very special reason, like I
have a higher purpose but I don't know what it is. I do feel like I am very smart and
have undergone tests to prove it. I have also had some experiences where I seem to be
able to just know what a person is thinking. I'm not saying I can read minds but I can
look at a person and instantly know what they are all about. I can finish sentences for
people without even listening to what they are saying. Sometimes, when my spouse
wants to talk about my experiences I get very scared and nervous and all of a sudden I
will hear beeping noises in my ear. It is almost always followed by a very severe
headache .Whenever I hear that beeping I feel like I should not be thinking about it and
then I won't talk about it. (Yes, it is happening right now.)
Well, that's my story. I hope you don't think I am crazy. No matter what you say, I
still feel a little out there but who wouldn't.
Have you had any experiences like these? Or perhaps you believe you have been abducted? Please send any info to